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5 Reasons why to LOVE Dance!

Why dance is great? Well, you don't need to ask me! I LOVE DANCE so much so I do find myself spinning or doing a Jeté to the Kitchen... yep that's right! Even I do it at my age :)

Dance brings so much joy my heart is just bursting as I write this. The sense of accomplishment doesn't always happen straightaway, but as long as you are having fun trying, that's an achievement in itself, right?

The following 5 are just a few of my favourite reasons for loving dance. So if you're stuck for ideas on how to convince them to leave the gadgets alone and get them to dance, fret no more. Be warned: you may end up wanting to dance yourself!

1) Express Yourself

Be it through drawing, singing, sport or writing, having a creative outlet should always be valued. Dance is one of those creative expressions that is loved by everyone. And that's the main point! Dance is for everyone. You can be a budding Ballerina in the Ballet class dancing to the tune of Swan Lake or the Dancing Queen at your Nanna's ABBA theme party! Don't Judge, I love a bit of ABBA :)

There are of course a few instances with a child when they just don't want to come to dance... and that's ok. Don't need to force them to come to class, maybe there is a reason behind it? It could be something simple like not having the correct leotard or they think they will get it ‘wrong’, don't know what to do. For children, the focus should always be on enjoyment whether its somewhere else like Nanna's party.

“All children are born artists, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.” – Picasso

2) Social

Coming to dance is not always about learning dance. Shared interests are the basis of all great relationships, and there’s something truly special about lasting friendships within the Dance School.

Children may not meet their best friend through dance but they will at the very least have encountered and interacted with children they may not usual meet with. They will have learned to work well in a group dynamic through working with partners, within mini groups and just generally learning how to become understanding of others. Children will have the opportunity to explore their communication skills, doing so both verbally and non-verbally, to further explore ideas and express themselves.

3) Self-esteem

The experiences you gain through childhood will shape the person you grow to be as an Adult. Having confidence in yourself is necessary at all ages to navigate successfully through life and Dance has been proven to boost a child's self-esteem.

Concentration, persistence and dedication are just a few of the skills necessary for day to day life but this can be learnt through dance which will undeniably lead to a strong sense of worthy fulfilment of all that a child achieves.

Dance is a fantastic foundation for further learning throughout adolescence. For example, being on time, adhering to a uniform, working with others, becoming an independent learner and much more.

4) Physical

Whilst doing a physical activity for a number of reasons positively effect children’s development there is much more to dance then just fitness.

Dance can really teach young children the fundamental skills everyone should be able to do. Through dance children can develop greater body control, co-ordination, balance and spatial awareness. Children also get to experience a range of gross motor movements and fine motor movements, all of which is done in an enjoyable environment.

A simple skip can teach children all the above, what more could they want? I love skipping and would happily change from walking to skipping... if it was sociable acceptable.

5) Fun

Finally we come to the best part!

Dance should be a challenge but it shouldn't feel like a chore, like tidying your room. Mix in some wonderful music, the funkiest of dance moves if you can call Ballet funky and a lively, energetic instructor, your child will be begging you to continue.

Dancing is something that can brighten children's lives. People of all ages can take part and enjoy it. Most importantly dance release's happy endorphins

. If i didn't love dance already… I would now!!!

So there you have it, just 5 of my favourite reasons for loving dance!

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